It is quite difficult to determine which trends are really in demand and will become an organic part of online gambling for a long time. A quick understanding of the situation in the gambling industry can lead to the idea that innovations such as virtual reality and blockchain will be able to radically change the industry in the near future. While their potential is undeniable, the real picture is more complex.
Furthermore, by believing that trends should be “hype” or super-tech, many industry experts are overlooking the most basic things that really matter. Safe gambling might not seem as interesting as cryptocurrencies, but in practice it is much more relevant.
Gambling trends in 2022

Online gambling is a full-fledged competitor to land-based casinos. In recent years, this trend has intensified due to the pandemic and the inability to physically visit casinos. According to statistics, online gambling portals received a huge increase in their audience in 2020-2021 and a similar process is expected in 2022. What else can we expect from the gambling market in the near future? We propose to analyze it together.
A new generation of gamblers has already been formed, who love online gaming, have never been to a traditional casino and its culture is not close to them. Consumer habits in general shape the online gambling industry and after analyzing them, we can conclude what to expect next year:
High competition
Thanks to the Internet, users have a wide selection of gaming portals and slots themselves, so players are becoming more and more demanding. In turn, site owners pay a lot of attention to user loyalty. For example, online casinos offer players not only slot machines, but also various bonuses, insurance and cashback, additional events with valuable prizes.
Gambling laws have changed significantly in recent years, and players are already suspicious of illegal gambling sites. At the top of the list remain AAMS licensed casinos, which have gained a significant competitive advantage. In addition to having a license, the ability to use various payment methods is also important to many players.
Safer Gaming

Regulations aimed at ensuring player safety continue to come into effect. Increasingly, instead of waiting for new laws to be passed and modernizing their products to comply with them, gaming operators are taking a more proactive business stance in integrating player safety technologies into all phases of product development.
In 2022, responsible operators must go beyond legal requirements. Many online casinos already use pop-ups to alert users when they are playing for a long period of time, while others encourage players to set their own deposit limits.